Results for 'Sunday Paul Chinazo Onwuegbuchulam'

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  1.  39
    Contesting Paradigms in Society’s Poverty Alleviation and Developmental Arena.Sunday Paul Chinazo Onwuegbuchulam & Khondlo Mtshali - 2018 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 65 (154):75-95.
    In contemporary development and political studies the Capability Approach as proposed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum has become an alternative analytical framework used to conceptualise the promotion of well-being (‘capabilities’) in society. Notably, an important component of this framework is agency, which underscores the various ‘transformation mechanisms’ towards realising well-being in societies. This study straddles the area of political theory and development studies and seeks to contribute to the literature on the Capability Approach from a fresh perspective of the (...)
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    A " Hypostatic Union " of Two Practices but One Person?Paul F. Knitter - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:19-26.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A "Hypostatic Union" of Two Practices but One Person?Paul F. KnitterThis is going to be an awkwardly personal reflection. But that, I understand, is what the assignment given to the members of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies panel "Constructing Buddhist Identities in the West" called for: I was asked to reflect upon "How I as a Western Christian have appropriated Buddhist practice and teachings into my religious identity." (...)
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    Lysistrata, or Woman's Future and Future Woman Chronos, or the Future of the Family Aphrodite, or T He Future of Sexual Relationships.Paul Ludovici - 2008 - Routledge.
    Volume 4 Lysistrata, or Woman’s Future and Future Woman A M Ludovici Originally published in 1927 " Pro-feminine but anti-feminist…" Scotsman " A stimulating book" Sunday Times This volume represents an attack on many modern conventions and practices which, according to the author, the world has tolerated too long in connection with marriage and the relationship between the sexes. 112pp Chronos Or The Future of the Family Eden Paul Originally published in 1930 "Deserves to be read by a (...)
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    Metaphysics and Culture. [REVIEW]Paul J. Levesque - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (4):883-883.
    On a cold Sunday afternoon in February, the fifty-eighth Aquinas Lecture was presented at Marquette University by Louis Dupré. His unassuming gentle manner coupled with his expert command of philosophy, theology, science, and literature left no doubt that those assembled were in the presence of greatness. Following his presentation, an expanded version of this lecture was made available in print. This small volume takes its well-deserved place as Dupré's twelfth book, in addition to the five he has edited.
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    Reflections on the readings of Sundays and feasts: March-May.Joseph Sobb - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (1):98.
    Sobb, Joseph Today's Gospel extract from the Sermon on the Mount, has two different though related themes. The second especially is reflected in the first reading. The first theme may be heard as a succinct, indeed stark, summary of much of Jesus' teaching. The way of living to which Jesus invites his disciples calls for an integrity, an undivided heart which, of course, reflects his own relationship with his Father. So Paul can boldly proclaim in his second letter to (...)
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    Fostering Medical Students’ Commitment to Beneficence in Ethics Education.Philip Reed & Joseph Caruana - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    PHOTO ID 121339257© Designer491| ABSTRACT When physicians use their clinical knowledge and skills to advance the well-being of their patients, there may be apparent conflict between patient autonomy and physician beneficence. We are skeptical that today’s medical ethics education adequately fosters future physicians’ commitment to beneficence, which is both rationally defensible and fundamentally consistent with patient autonomy. We use an ethical dilemma that was presented to a group of third-year medical students to examine how ethics education might be causing (...)
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    What Happened to Philosophy Between Aquinas and Descartes?John Deely - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):543-568.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WHAT HAPPENED TO PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN AQUINAS AND DESCARTES? JoHN DEELY Loras College Dubuque, Iowa INTRODUCTION a. Pondering the Imponderable HE NEO-THOMISTIC revival launched by Leo XIII eems to have run its main course with an almost exclusive ook at the works of Thomas himself without taking much into serious consideration the work of his Latin commentators. At this moment, we find that a book translated from the work of (...)
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    Rediscovering the Imprecatory Psalms: A Thomistic Approach.O. P. Gabriel Torretta - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):23-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rediscovering the Imprecatory Psalms:A Thomistic ApproachGabriel Torretta O.P.WHILE DEBATING the structure of the new Liturgy of the Hours, some members of the Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy (Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia) drew attention to certain so-called imprecatory psalms1 that contained material they deemed problematic for the modern person of prayer, describing the passages as “offensive to modern sensibilities”2 and arguing that (...)
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    Utopian Enterprises: Growing Up with Star Trek.Mark Jendrysik - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):359-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Utopian Enterprises: Growing Up with Star TrekMark Jendrysik (bio)It might be hard to imagine today, when new Star Trek entertainment product seems to be everywhere, that there was once a time when Star Trek meant the seventy-nine episodes of the original series and nothing else. And it might be hard to imagine a time when episodes of a television series had to be watched at one particular time, with (...)
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    Deification through the Cross: Reflections from an Implied Ideal Worshiper.Andrew J. Summerson - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):1089-1095.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deification through the Cross:Reflections from an Implied Ideal WorshiperAndrew J. SummersonKhaled Anatolios's most recent book, Deification through the Cross,1 develops a definition of salvation out of his experience of the Byzantine liturgy. This experience of worship offers an immersion in what he calls "doxological contrition." By this, Anatolios means that Christ saves us by offering us the ability to participate in the mutual glorification of the persons of the (...)
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    Modelling geographical variations and determinants of use of modern family planning methods among women of reproductive age in nigeria.Samson B. Adebayo, Ezra Gayawan, Chinazo Ujuju & Augustine Ankomah - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (1):57-77.
  12. Artificial Forms of Life.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5).
    The logical problem of artificial intelligence—the question of whether the notion sometimes referred to as ‘strong’ AI is self-contradictory—is, essentially, the question of whether an artificial form of life is possible. This question has an immediately paradoxical character, which can be made explicit if we recast it (in terms that would ordinarily seem to be implied by it) as the question of whether an unnatural form of nature is possible. The present paper seeks to explain this paradoxical kind of possibility (...)
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  13. Philosophy and Common Sense 3: Philosophy as a Science.Sebastian Sunday Grève & Timothy Williamson - 2022 - The Philosophers' Magazine 97:30-35.
    Timothy Williamson and Sebastian Sunday-Grève discuss the question of where philosophy starts, and the idea of philosophy as a non-natural science.
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  14. Nietzsche and the Machines.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 93:12-15.
    Sebastian Sunday Grève calls on us to decide what kind of life with machines we want.
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    Addressing more-than-human care through Yorùbá environmental ethics.Aanuoluwapo Fifebo Sunday - 2025 - Environmental Values 34 (1):43-59.
    This article presents more-than-human care ethics from a Yorùbá (African) perspective with a focus on water in Yorùbá belief. The view I develop in this article to show beyond human care, how nature cares for itself is encapsulated in the notion of ‘mutual courteousness’. The article demonstrates that this mutual courteousness approach engrained in Yorùbá ontology, epistemology, and axiology possesses a sound possibility for enabling the overhauling of our understanding of conservation towards seeing it as a more-than-human process. This shared (...)
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  16. Philosophy and Common Sense I: What Is Common Sense?Sebastian Sunday Grève & Timothy Williamson - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 95:24-30.
    Sebastian Sunday-Grève and Timothy Williamson discuss the question of where philosophy starts and the idea of philosophy as a non-natural science.
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  17. Philosophy and Common Sense 2: Cultivating Curiosity.Sebastian Sunday Grève & Timothy Williamson - 2022 - The Philosophers' Magazine 96:24-30.
    Sebastian Sunday-Grève and Timothy Williamson discuss the relationship between curiosity and common sense.
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  18. Logic and Philosophy of Logic in Wittgenstein.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (1):168-182.
    This essay discusses Wittgenstein's conception of logic, early and late, and some of the types of logical system that he constructed. The essay shows that the common view according to which Wittgenstein had stopped engaging in logic as a philosophical discipline by the time of writing Philosophical Investigations is mistaken. It is argued that, on the contrary, logic continued to figure at the very heart of later Wittgenstein's philosophy; and that Wittgenstein's mature philosophy of logic contains many interesting thoughts that (...)
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  19. Intuitive Skill.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1677-1700.
    This article presents a theory of intuitive skill in terms of three constitutive elements: getting things right intuitively, not getting things wrong intuitively, and sceptical ability. The theory draws on work from a range of psychological approaches to intuition and expertise in various domains, including arts, business, science, and sport. It provides a general framework that will help to further integrate research on these topics, for example building bridges between practical and theoretical domains or between such apparently conflicting methodologies as (...)
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  20. The Importance of Understanding Each Other in Philosophy.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2015 - Philosophy 90 (2):213-239.
    What is philosophy? How is it possible? This essay constitutes an attempt to contribute to a better understanding of what might be a good answer to either of these questions by reflecting on one particular characteristic of philosophy, specifically as it presents itself in the philosophical practice of Socrates, Plato and Wittgenstein. Throughout this essay, I conduct the systematic discussion of my topic in parallel lines with the historico-methodological comparison of my three main authors. First, I describe a certain neglected (...)
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  21. Kant on Human Dignity: Autonomy, Humanity, and Human Rights.Sunday Adeniyi Fasoro - 2019 - Kantian Journal 38 (1):81-98.
    This paper explores the new frontier within Kantian scholarship which suggests that Kant places so much special importance on the value of rational nature that the supreme principle of morality and the concept of human dignity are both grounded on it. Advocates of this reading argue that the notion of autonomy and dignity should now be considered as the central claim of Kant’s ethics, rather than the universalisation of maxims. Kant’s ethics are termed as repugnant for they place a high (...)
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  22. The Good, the Bad and the Creative: Language in Wittgenstein's Philosophy.Sebastian Sunday Grève & Jakub Mácha - 2016 - In Sebastian Sunday Grève & Jakub Mácha, Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 3-25.
    This introductory chapter presents the reader with various ways of approaching the topic ‘Wittgenstein and the creativity of language’. It is argued that any serious account of the questions arising from this joint consideration of, on the one hand, this great genius of philosophy and, on the other, the varieties of speech, text, action and beauty which go under the heading ‘the creativity of language’ will have to appreciate the potential of both, in terms of breadth as well as depth. (...)
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  23. Lunacy and Scepticism: Notes on the Logic of Doubt Concerning the Existence of an External World.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2022 - Topoi 41 (5):1023-1031.
    This article develops a logical (or semantic) response to scepticism about the existence of an external world. Specifically, it is argued that any doubt about the existence of an external world can be proved to be false, but whatever appears to be doubt about the existence of an external world that _cannot_ be proved to be false is nonsense, insofar as it must rely on the assertion of something that is logically impossible. The article further suggests that both G. E. (...)
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  24. On Refined Neutrosophic Finite p-Group.Sunday Adesina Adebisi & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Journal of Fuzzy Extension and Applications 4.
    The neutrosophic automorphisms of a neutrosophic groups G (I) , denoted by Aut(G (I)) is a neu-trosophic group under the usual mapping composition. It is a permutation of G (I) which is also a neutrosophic homomorphism. Moreover, suppose that X1 = X(G (I)) is the neutrosophic group of inner neutrosophic auto-morphisms of a neutrosophic group G (I) and Xn the neutrosophic group of inner neutrosophic automorphisms of Xn-1. In this paper, we show that if any neutrosophic group of the sequence (...)
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    Humanity as a Duty to Oneself.Sunday Adeniyi Fasoro - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:220-237.
    This paper analyses the thorny interpretative puzzle surrounding the connection between humanity and the good will. It discusses this puzzle: if the good will is the only good without qualification, why does Kant claim that humanity is something possessing an absolute value? It explores the answers to this question within Kantian scholarship; answers that emanate from a commitment to the human capacity for freedom and morality and to actual obedience to the moral law. In its final analysis, it endorses Richard (...)
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  26. Logic.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2017 - In Anat Matar, Understanding Wittgenstein, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 205-216.
    Logic played an important role in Wittgenstein’s work over the entire period of his philosophizing, from both the point of view of the philosopher of logic and that of the logician. Besides logical analysis, there is another kind of logical activity that characterizes Wittgenstein’s philosophical work after a certain point during his experience as a soldier and, later, as an officer in the First World War – if not earlier. This other kind of logical activity has to do with what (...)
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    Teaching Philosophy by Pictorial Representations: The ‘Divergent’ Example.Sunday Af - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (1):1-8.
    Teaching philosophy at pre-tertiary levels faces some fundamental challenges, including the misconception that philosophy is an abstract and esoteric field of study. This mind-set hinders teaching philosophy at all levels, particularly in the pre-tertiary stage. Nonetheless, philosophy holds significant cognitive values when taught to children. Therefore, it is crucial to find ways to simplify the process of learning philosophy, especially when children are in their formative years and have a greater capacity for learning. Children possess qualities necessary for engaging with (...)
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    Art Language through Selected Signs and Symbols of the Yoruba People of Nigeria.Sunday James - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (1):79-87.
    Many secret signs and symbols area associated with the Yoruba as we have it amongst many tribes in Nigeria. Some of these signs and symbols have deep meanings and have connotations amongst the tribe. They form the everyday language of the people and a thorough understanding of them is key in their relationship with one another as a people. The objective of this study is to express the cultural connotations of selected symbols in relation to the Yoruba people of Nigeria. (...)
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    When evil strikes: faith and the politics of human hostility.Sunday Bobai Agang - 2016 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Part 1. Unmaking the truth. Whose view of human hostility matters? -- How evil entered the human race: the Bible and human history -- Why peace eludes Nigerians -- Religious fragility and failing symbiotic interactions -- Classical Christian approaches to violence -- Christian nonviolent just self-defense -- The contemporary quest for self-defense -- Part 2. Unmasking falsehood. The suffering servant in Isaiah and the African people -- Tribes, tribalism, and the Christian faith -- How to handle our destroyers -- Creative (...)
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    Determinants of Unethical Business Behaviour among Owner–Managers.Sunday Samson Babalola - 2009 - Journal of Human Values 15 (1):61-75.
    Several studies have identified entrepreneurship as a key factor in wealth creations in addition to associating certain personality characteristics to its growth. The question is to what extent have these wealth creations performed ethically. The present study is set to explore the cognitive orientation (locus of control, risk taking ability and impression management) and demographic (age and gender) factors that are associated with unethical business. Two hundred and fifty-six owner–managers in the age range of 24 to 68 years participated in (...)
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    Tradition in the Enlightenment Discourse and the Conservative Critique.Sunday Olaoluwa Dada - 2016 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 17 (1):108-123.
    Tradition has been disparaged as a conceptual category that should be jettisoned in the development process. It is thought to be capable of hindering the use of reason which is thought to be the primary mover of development. This thinking has its root in the Enlightenment rationalisations, especially as championed by the philosophes, Rene Descartes, and Immanuel Kant. Conservatives, such as Edmund Burke, contrarily, are of the opinion that tradition is a valuable resource for society because they regard tradition as (...)
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    True dignity’ and ‘respect-worthiness.Sunday Adeniyi Fasoro - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):207-223.
    In the Groundwork, Kant seems to make two paradoxical claims about the source of human dignity. First, he claims that if “rational nature exists as an end in itself” (Kant, 1998, p. 36), it is because “humanity is… dignity, insofar it is capable of morality” (Kant, 1998, p. 42). Second, he claims that although “autonomy is the ground of the dignity of human nature and of every rational nature” (Kant, 1998, p. 43), the human being can only have “dignity… insofar (...)
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    Beyond Relativism: Wittgenstein’s Method of Grammatical Enquiry in Philosophical Investigations §§198-202.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2012 - In Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal, Doubtful Certainties: Language-Games, Forms of Life, Relativism. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 129-148.
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  34. A Confucian Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles.Tingting Sui & Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (52):1-22.
    Any moral algorithm for autonomous vehicles must provide a practical solution to moral problems of the trolley type, in which all possible courses of action will result in damage, injury, or death. This article discusses a hitherto neglected variety of this type of problem, based on a recent psychological study whose results are reported here. It argues that the most adequate solution to this problem will be achieved by a moral algorithm that is based on Confucian ethics. In addition to (...)
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    The biological objection against strong AI.Sebastian Sunday Grève - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    According to the biological objection against strong artificial intelligence (AI), machines cannot have human mindedness – that is, they cannot be conscious, intelligent, sentient, etc. in the precise way that a human being typically is – because this requires being alive, and machines are not alive. Proponents of the objection include John Lucas, Hubert Dreyfus, and John Searle. The present paper explains the nature and significance of the biological objection, before arguing that it currently represents an essentially irrational position.
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  36. Wittgenstein on Gödelian 'Incompleteness', Proofs and Mathematical Practice: Reading Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, Part I, Appendix III, Carefully.Wolfgang Kienzler & Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2016 - In Sebastian Sunday Grève & Jakub Mácha, Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 76-116.
    We argue that Wittgenstein’s philosophical perspective on Gödel’s most famous theorem is even more radical than has commonly been assumed. Wittgenstein shows in detail that there is no way that the Gödelian construct of a string of signs could be assigned a useful function within (ordinary) mathematics. — The focus is on Appendix III to Part I of Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. The present reading highlights the exceptional importance of this particular set of remarks and, more specifically, emphasises (...)
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  37. Wittgenstein on Philosophy, Objectivity, and Meaning.James Conant & Sebastian Sunday (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume of new essays presents groundbreaking interpretations of some of the most central themes of Wittgenstein's philosophy. A distinguished group of contributors demonstrates how Wittgenstein's thought can fruitfully be applied to contemporary debates in epistemology, metaphilosophy and philosophy of language. The volume combines historical and systematic approaches to Wittgensteinian methods and perspectives, with essays providing detailed analysis that will be accessible to students as well as specialists. The result is a rich and illuminating picture of a key figure in (...)
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  38.  24
    Cognitivism about religious belief in later Wittgenstein.Alois Pichler & Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2025 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 97 (1).
    Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion has traditionally been grounded in non-cognitivism about religious belief. This paper shows that the Wittgensteinian tradition has wrongly neglected a significant movement towards cognitivism in Wittgenstein’s later writings. The argument proceeds on the basis of two main claims. First, Wittgenstein’s mature philosophy, as expressed in his _Philosophical Investigations_, clearly favours cognitivism over non-cognitivism with regard to certain linguistic facts about ordinary religious discourse. Second, during the last decade of his life Wittgenstein’s view of religious belief actually (...)
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    “Is it possible to do Postmodern Philosophy Unbeknownst?”: On Sophie Oluwole’s and Maulana Karenga’s “Deconstruction” of the Ifá Literary Corpus.Emmanuel Ofuasia & Oladipupo Sunday Layi - 2021 - Philosophia Africana 20 (2):83-106.
    This article takes its inspiration from Jacques Derrida to consider how deconstructionism can be done inadvertently. This possibility is underscored when one considers how a very significant phrase in Ifá texts— “A díá fún...” has been construed away from its transliteration as “Ifá divination was performed for...” by each of Oluwole and Karenga. Oluwole justifies her “deconstruction” on the grounds that such transliteration does not capture the philosophic cogs gravid within Ifá verses. Karenga, through his Kawaida methodology, “improvises” to suit (...)
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  40. Kant and the Claims of Knowledge.Paul Guyer - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a radically new account of the development and structure of the central arguments of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: the defense of the objective validity of such categories as substance, causation, and independent existence. Paul Guyer makes far more extensive use than any other commentator of historical materials from the years leading up to the publication of the Critique and surrounding its revision, and he shows that the work which has come down to us is the (...)
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  41. Knowledge and Evidence.Paul K. Moser - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Paul Moser's book defends what has been an unfashionable view in recent epistemology: the foundationalist account of knowledge and justification. Since the time of Plato philosophers have wondered what exactly knowledge is. This book develops a new account of perceptual knowledge which specifies the exact sense in which knowledge has foundations. The author argues that experiential foundations are indeed essential to perceptual knowledge, and he explains what knowledge requires beyond justified true beliefs. In challenging prominent sceptical claims that we (...)
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    Mothers but not wives: The Biakē custom and its implications on the Ogoni contemporary society.Burabari Sunday Deezia - 2024 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 13 (1):47-60.
    The _Biakē _custom, an ancient practice among the Ogoni indigenous people, refers to a system by which certain girls or women are not allowed to marry, but are legitimately allowed to raise children for their parents or family, because of some peculiar circumstances of the household, thus the idea of ‘mothers but not wives.’ However, the _Biakē _practice has been misconstrued with the malapropism called ‘_Sira_-Custom,’ implying a system in which the first daughters are not given out for marriage. This (...)
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    Igbo Cosmology in Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God: An Evaluative Analysis.Marcel Ikechukwu Sunday Onyibor - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):110-119.
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  44. Glock, Hans-Johann (2019). What Is Meaning? A Wittgensteinian Answer to an Un-Wittgensteinian Question. In: Conant, James; Sunday, Sebastian. Wittgenstein on Philosophy, Objectivity, and Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 185-210.Hans-Johann Glock, James Conant & Sebastian Sunday (eds.) - 2019
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  45. Kant and the Claims of Taste.Paul Guyer - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant and the Claims of Taste, published here for the first time in paperback in a revised version, has become, since its initial publication in 1979, the standard commentary on Kant's aesthetic theory. The book offers a detailed account of Kant's views on judgments of taste, aesthetic pleasure, imagination and many other topics. For this new edition, Paul Guyer has provided a new foreword and has added a chapter on Kant's conception of fine art. This re-issue will complement the (...)
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    (1 other version)Symbolism and social order among the Igbo.Christian Sunday Agama - 2020 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 9 (2):17-34.
    In this essay, I argue that though symbolism performs many roles in different cultures, it has a uniquely moral one in Igbo land. That unique role which symbolism performs in the pristine communalistic Igbo society concerns the regulation of human freedoms and actions in order to maintain social order. But is this something that can be sustained in a modern Igbo society that is more individualistic than communalistic? This paper is of the view that through the proper maintenance of such (...)
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    COVID-19 Pandemic and the Socio-Economic Wellbeing of Workers, Organisations and People: the Loss of One is the Gain of Others.Michael Sunday Agba, Stephen I. Ocheni & Daniel Chi Chukwurah Jr - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2):12-30.
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  48. Conversations with an engaged anthropologist : An interview with Richard I. Ford.B. Sunday Eiselt & Michelle Hegmon - 2005 - In Michelle Hegmon, B. Sunday Eiselt & Richard I. Ford, Engaged anthropology: research essays on North American archaeology, ethnobotany, and museology. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology.
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  49. Real names.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2024 - In Martin Gustafsson, Oskari Kuusela & Jakub Mácha, Engaging Kripke with Wittgenstein: the standard metre, contingent apriori, and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  50. Real names.Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2024 - In Martin Gustafsson, Oskari Kuusela & Jakub Mácha, Engaging Kripke with Wittgenstein: the standard metre, contingent apriori, and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
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